Seeing Weakness as an Opportunity for Empowerment

I was working with a patient recently and we were talking about her lifestyle and more specifically, some of her habitual ways of doing things over the years. As she was speaking she described what she called “one of her weaknesses”. Regardless of what that was or is, the specifics have little relevance to my point, I waited until she finished and simply reminded her there are no real weaknesses, these are merely opportunities to learn about ourselves and grow.

So what exactly does that mean? Let’s examine for a moment the idea that all life is moving energy. Life needs to be moving in order to survive. Our cells are constantly moving even when we are laying still. Here’s a great example, I was at a state park in St. Petersburg, FL taking a little hike and looking at all the wildlife and foliage. We stopped at the visitor center and saw one of the caretakers holding a live snake while people were encouraged to ask questions, pet the snake, and get comfortable with a species that usually invokes fear in us. As I was petting this beautiful creature a child was remarking on how it was constantly moving and wrapping itself all over the handler. That sparked my conversation with the handler on how we as a human species started out that same way, always in constant movement as a protozoan creature before we evolved into land inhabitants and grew appendages. She then went on to say that the cells in our bodies are still in constant movement that same way even though our outer physical bodies are more static and sometimes sedentary.

This is really interesting but how does this relate to seeing the perceived weaknesses in ourselves as an opportunity for self-empowerment? Well there are two ways we can view ourselves. One is from a place of being static or what I refer to clinically as stagnant Qi, while the other is the place of forward motion or movement. Which one do you think better enables us to grow? Yes, I know it’s obvious but we tend to forget it a lot. Here’s the punch line, if we see ourselves as weak or having weaknesses then we have a tendency to get stuck in that energy. However, if we look at those same aspects of ourselves as opportunities to explore and discover more ways to expand, specifically in our consciousness, then this already adds a new energy of motion and vibrance to something that may seem stagnant or keep us stuck otherwise.

The moral of this store is, to see those “weaknesses” in yourself as opportunities to grow and move forward in your life. Namaste!


The New Normal